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Old 11-09-2005, 02:20 PM
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Default \"I just have faith\"=BS

Let's call this BS right now. "It's just my faith."
DS made a great point. How can anyone who does NOT have faith in god, even after intense study of the subject be blamed for somehow not being blessed with this magical "faith?"
Religious folk, as per usual, will state that they are not there to assign blame. But they are lying. They want to blame people who do not hold their personal religious tenants as fact.
They want to turn "god's word" into law.
But then they turn around and say it is their faith.
This is a baldfaced lie. It is not faith. It is a belief system and they do not have just one article of faith but an entire system of ideas, mythologies and constraints.
There is no faith involved. This is a way of covering up the reality of the situation.
"I believe in the resurrection--i just have faith."
But it doesnt stop there.
"I believe Jesus was the son of god."
"I believe there is a hell and eternal damnation."
All of this is faith?
No, this cannot be so. You have seen the light on all of these issues? You KNOW the word of god on everything under the sun, do you?
Let's have some honesty in this forum.
You bought into a system of beliefs and faith has nothing to do with it. You have not experienced this god, you do not know god's mind. All of the rhetoric is absurd.
If you want to admit that you have decided to believe something that has no proof, no logical basis, and no way to intelligently discuss the merits of it, THEN and only then you can begin an honest discussion. Honest and short discussion because it ends when you admit that there is nothing about it which makes sense.
When somebody says it is their faith, call BullS*** on them. Is that word a magic shield? Is that now a sacred word? Faith? Faith protects you from scrutiny and question, does it?
Maybe in your own mind it does. But that word is just a word. It does not add up. it does not equate with an entire system of beliefs and ideologies. It does not answer how you DECIDE which particular doctrine to espouse. How do you decide morally what is right and wrong.
Faith on all counts? Faith tells you when to wake up, how to speak to your children, which version of the bible to read, which branch of your religion to belong to?
Faith, faith in the pope.
Faith in priests.
Thats a lot of "faith" my friends.

"I just have faith" when spoken during a religious debate=a mafioso pleading the 5th.

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