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Old 11-09-2005, 12:31 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Please tell me, why do experienced players have \'Amnesia\'?


The thing is though, I guess another question I might have then, is why do those who ARE truly 'experienced' (Good) Players, who are sitting at the same table, ALLOW for it to happen or continue then?

[/ QUOTE ]

I think this whole problem is not limited to poker.

Why do so many "institutions" require you to go through some initiation-ritual that often are cruel and degrading?
Why do so many people who are treated badly when they first start something say to themselves "One day, it will be ME who treats people like crap!!! Then it will be payback time!!!"

I think, these people hold the opinion they actually have a RIGHT to berate on newbies. They think, because they do whatever they do for so long, they are at the top of the food chain and everyone that is new has to live up to some standards they think they are asked to impose. This is paternalistic thinking. And it is even more rampant when they are actually facing a woman.

And why do the other players do nothing? Because they are cowards? Why do most people just look away when something terrible happens to someone in public? "This is none of my business. It is actually good for me if someone puts someone else on tilt a little. When I do not participate actively, noone can blame me." That's what they think. It takes courage to open the mouth and speak against what seems to be the "public opinion". I guess you could have walked up to anyone who sat at that given table that one night and each and every one of them would have uttered some cheap excuse. I don't even value the reaction of that guy in your other story that much who stood up AFTER the victim left. That isn't strength. That is even worse because what he says misses the social tragedy that just happend by far! The correct response to him would have been "it's too late now, coward. And that goes for all of you here! you are pathetic." He was doing a marginally right thing for the complete wrong reason.


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