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Old 11-09-2005, 10:45 AM
37offsuit 37offsuit is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
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Default Re: Paul Phillips Quotes From Other Thread

And some direct comments. It is the "Moderation Nazis" that are trying to keep this forum useable and uncluttered as well as more friendly so Pros might want to stop in. They hold the same standard for any poster, and Mat Sklansky decided that the thread should be removed for what ever reason (I never saw the thread itself).

If Mr. Phillips was so concerned about his wisdom being removed, why not ask what was offensive rather than whinning about it and then attacking the moderators?

There is no question that Paul Phillips posts usually have value for the community. I'd guess of his 300 or so posts, the majority are of good quality. But those people who have been choosen as moderators probably have over 40,000 posts and even if 1/10th of them are quality ones, that's still over 10 times as much value as what Paul has offered.

Not to mention they spend their time going through posts to remove the garbage.

They shouldn't be attacked when they remove a thread for what ever reason. I'm not saying don't question, just don't be an idiot about it.

Paul was an idiot in this instance. I didn't think it would be popular to call him on it, but then I didn't think many people were going to stand up for Dynasty and the like without also having their own agenda.

That is why I posted. I appreciate the moderators efforts AND I appreciate Paul's wisdom that he shares here.