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Old 11-09-2005, 10:35 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Stop talking at the tables (LC)

I understand that people get annoyed by players helping other players on the table, but still it has always been like that, and it will always stay like this since being helpful this way is part of human nature.

So just accept it!

[/ QUOTE ]

No, when it cuts into my profits, I will not accept it. If you want to be nice refund a part of their losses after the session, but don't tell me I have to accept your ideals. Poker is not about being nice. It is about extracting the most money (over the long run) from other players. You can be nice as you take their money, but teaching them how to play better is absurd. You are their to take their money. Why suddenly decide that you want less of it? If they stumble onto this site or 2+2's great books, fine. Why lead them there?
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