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Old 11-09-2005, 05:52 AM
tonypaladino tonypaladino is offline
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Default I\'m never gonna graduate college.

I have a Philosophy (logic & moral reasoning) test tomorrow at 10:45 AM. I have not been to the class in 4 weeks, and I have no idea what's going on. I had planned to cram for the exam tonight, but now I can't find my textbook anywhere.

I am royally f*cked. I'm now most likely going to have to drop the class and take it in the January winter session (which thanfully my school just added this week).

I hate my life. I honestly think I'd be better off just dropping out of college right now, 13 credits short of a degree and becoming a drifter or degenerate gambler or something.

I'm so tired, but I drank 3 cups of coffee while I was watching the WSOP off the Tivo so I could stay up to study afterwards.

So far, for the most part, the first 22 years of my life have mostly sucked. I somehow can't see the next 30-60 years being much better.

How the [censored] does anyone stay motivated in life? I'm sorry to ramble on and on, but I haven't more than 1 normal night of sleep in a row since March and I'm in one of my 4 am delirium modes.
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