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Old 11-09-2005, 04:40 AM
lil feller lil feller is offline
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 66
Default Re: QQ versus a 3-bet cold-caller

I'm I the only one that thinks the flop is an easy 3 bet? He certainly doesn't have AA or KK. I'm not a pot equity expert, so correct me if i'm wrong, but I would have to think that unless he has exactly AK of spades, you have a better chance of winning this pot then anybody else still involved, and should 3 bet for value.

Your plan is flawed. By just calling and then leading again you're only inviting a raise from a better hand, he's not putting you on AK after you lead twice, an JJ will fear AA-QQ or a set. Maybe i'm wrong but I fastplay this like there's no tomorrow and get every bet I can out of the "chasers". This pot is so big you can't really force anybody into a mistake, so get the money in the middle and hope they miss...

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