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Old 11-09-2005, 02:57 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: San Francisco: When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns

I own guns. I enjoy guns. I support the rights of anyone in responsible ownership, use and care of guns.

I do not support anti-gun laws, for the most part. I do support the enforcement of the myriad of laws presently in place - local, state and federal.

Does a gun make me any safer? Maybe. The pistol in my car the night I was car-jacked did not. The little perp had his weapon about 3" from my left temple and I certainly wasn't going to question his threat to "blow my f'in head off" if I didn't do as he instructed me.

Was my weapon put in the hands of that or another criminal and later used illegally? Probably so. I regret that. But I've never lost any sleep over it.

If I were living in France tonight, I'd be on a rooftop. I'd use my gun. If what's happening in France were happening in the US, I believe it would have been stopped long before now.
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