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Old 11-09-2005, 02:25 AM
renodoc renodoc is offline
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Default Re: San Francisco: When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

and another:
"Pink Pistols" Opposes Proposition H

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered people have come a long way since our rebellion at Stonewall in 1969. Now, members of the LGBT community are comfortable being employed as police, firefighters, EMTs, and soldiers.

But police are not enough. There are lessons learned in our struggle over these decades:
To count on our brothers and sisters in the community,
To have a proud, self-sufficient community,
To love ourselves enough to say, "Yes, we are worth saving."
We have a, different vision for San Francisco than Chris Daly. We want a San Francisco where sexual minorities are proud, independent and secure. A San Francisco where we can find refuge, sanctuary and protection in our own home, or the home of a friend, when hatred rears its head. Daly would have us cower in our living rooms and bedrooms, helpless to stop attackers from hurting our friends and families.

The LGBT community has a well deserved reputation for being gentle and nonviolent. We know that deadly force must not be resorted to lightly, but even thinkers such as the Dalai Lama and Mahatma Gandhi saw that using force may be a moral necessity.

Let's fix what's broken in the world, but stand strong together. Remember the lessons of history. Vote No on Proposition H.

San Francisco Pink Pistols
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