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Old 11-08-2005, 11:45 PM
TheRegulat0r TheRegulat0r is offline
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Default Re: Getting CK-R\'d on the river after checking turn behind

When he raises the river he could have air. The way you played it, your $35 bet really looks like a steal with AK-AQ, which looks weak, and opens the door for a re-steal.

He could be slowplaying a monster. A lot of these guys who will go nuts with top pair and big draws will slowplay sets to death. It makes no sense, but they do it.

I really don't think he has a hand like 66-88, TT, or A9. A player this aggressive is going to put the screws to you on good flop like this one with those hands, and pick up the pot the times you have unpaired overs. These are the only hands you beat that might call your river value bet, and I don't think he has one of them.

So when he checks to me on the river, I think he either has air, which he will either fold or quite possibly make a bluff that I can't call. Or he has me crushed. So I take the free showdown with my pair of jacks.

As played, I call the river raise.
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