Thread: trading & poker
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Old 11-08-2005, 05:52 PM
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Default Re: trading & poker

For the love of god, post if have to say something and stay away otherwise.

My salary when I would get a job again, would be ~45G$. tax is about 18G$. So my net salary is about 27G$ for which I would have to work 45h/week 46weeks/year =~2000h/year. I have to substract extra expenses (car etc) ~3G$.
That would be an hourly rate of 12$.

This about the bottom end, what I can think I can achive playing Low Stakes LHE, not including moving up to mid/high stakes.

More importantly is the growthrate of possible earnings. In a standard average career I would guess that would be max 5%/year. This is the absolute bottom end of what I think I could achive playing poker.

Another benefit would be more free time to study the markets. My performance would improve perhaps 15-25%. That would be an extra of 1.5G$. The dole is an extra of 1.2G$.

To sum it up:
day-job: 24G$
poker: 4 tables x 2$ (1bb/h)=8$x50h=400$x46weeks=18G$
+dole 1.2G$
+trading 1.5G$

day-job: 26G$
poker: 4 tables x 4$ (1bb/h)=16$x50h=400$x46weeks=36G$
+trading 3G$

I the extra $$$ pays off the negative effects:
-> not much contact with people
-> parents won't be very happy

Any substantied critism will be greatly appreciated.
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