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Old 11-08-2005, 04:46 PM
JihadOnTheRiver JihadOnTheRiver is offline
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Default Finally abandoning FM radio

I've recently completely given up on FM radio. I still listen to numerous AM programs, but I will be purchasing Satellite of some sort this weekend, probably Sirius due to the Howard Stern thing.

I usually only listen to music off my own CDs or IPOD, but occassionally give the radio a chance. Recently, my girlfriends younger sisters came to town, and they absolutely hate listening to CDs so I had to go with the radio on several long car rides. They don't have much preference as far of type of music, so I basically spent the weekend flipping through all the San Diego channels.

The rock stations all now play some sort of terrible whiny-voice bands, same playlist every hour. The classic rock stations have seemingly completely abandoned the notion of exploring older songs that most people can't sing along with the chorus. And the rap rap stations. I heard "Laffy Taffy" and several songs where "Mike Jones" was repeated 100 or so times, and all the songs were just basically terrible. All of the channels play the same 1-2 hour rotation with very little variation, and all the DJs/promotions have become completely unbearable.

So I gave up. I doubt I'll ever listen to FM radio for >10 minutes for years to come. Anybody else have any thoughts on this?

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