Thread: Niagara Casino
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Old 11-08-2005, 03:11 PM
prk prk is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 21
Default Re: Niagara Casino

It will take you all of 10min (only way it will take longer is if you get held up at the border for some reason) to walk across the Rainbow Bridge. Its a STRAIGHT walk from the bridge to the casino right down Niagara St.

Definetly the better choice. I'd say the 1/2 NL tables are 3/10 LAG and 5/10 weak aggeressive. 2/10 weak tight. A really good mix of players.

For example..last night I played 1/2 $100 max NL for 1.45 hours. Sat down and to my right there were 5 stacks of $500 or more, and 1 stack of about $1200. Those guys had been sitting there for all of about 3 hours to accumulate those stacks.

By the time I left, all of that money had switched hands with 3-4 new players. The guy with the $1200 stack cashed out about $650 or so. He wasn't too happy about that!

These people just dont know how to play with a stack in front of them. They get chips and think they can push people off hands, or they think they'll always hit their OE straight draw and call your all-in on the turn for your remaining $85.

Try Seneca, I think you'll like it! (and the free drinks)

ps...just incase, bring your Birth Certificate and Drivers Liscense with you. Less hassle that way.
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