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Old 11-08-2005, 01:36 PM
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Default Re: What\'s With This DERB?

I haven't seen this guy play, but I agree...assuming he's not cheating or colluding and doesn't hack into other ppl.'s computers to see their, there can be something to learn from his play/style that
can make some of us more money at Limit...

It sounds like this guy cannot be moved off a hand and never folds...
he puts in a lots of money pre-flop (too much to be profitable at limit, the PokerTracker experts say...) and he "goes to war" on the turn...

So, if the other players at the table all know this, they are FORCED to play "showdown poker" against him, and never can steal pots from him...
this must allow DERBy to pick up 100s of pots without a fight b/c you KNOW you aren't going to make him fold...
His play probably even pisses off a lot of tight-agg. good players
and forces them to make occastional mistakes and even TILT...

Even knowing that you just HAVE to make a hand against him to win, It's very tough to play against somone who always sees the river card...
(everytime a draw completes for him, he wins the pot...never folding
and missing out on these pots that many of us "normal" players do...
think about the zillions of times your 2 outer FH hit the river or your inside str8 hit on the river, but you had folded earlier in the hand - this never happens to DERB it sounds like...)

Also, and this might serve as some explanation why other players with his PT stats don't show a BB/100 profit like him (or are even just flat out losers), the guy might be totally fearless at that limit - as if any "normal" 30/60 player were at .50/1.
If the guy's rich and the bets mean nothing to him (which it sounds like they don't)
it allows him to just have fun and explore any style at 30/60 he wishes - without the fear (or the "hang-over"/bad-puke-feeling we'd all get if we lost $20-30K screwing around/playing "bad-poker" at that Limit).
He sounds like he's totally unafraid of
losing $20K, etc. just to figure out a winning (alternate) style (and maybe even some crazy Finlander has this great new crazy loose agg. strategy that he only shares with his countrymen, I don't know)...most everyone doesn't go to that high a limit to screw around and
develop strategy/new strategies...he probably has fun bluffing other players out, hitting longshots, and winning 100s of uncontested pots...

In theory, correct me if I am wrong, If all of the players at 30/60 or any limit (or the vast majority of them) all play 1 style
(tight aggressive - to varying degrees), then wouldn't the most profitable strategy be
to play another style to exploit the ABC play of all the tight aggs.?
(I do not mean to say that the play of the typical Party 30/60 player is basic "ABC," but in a sense it is/can be said to be ABC to the super-observant/expert player...another player vehemently
argued with the NL Guy who posted how Limit is so "mechanical..."and another poster said that certain hands just "can't" be profitably played
pre-flop if the edge you have at the table is small, etc.). I'm not saying that
DERB's strategy is better that being a top tier Tight-agg., cause it's obviously not...but it might be better/more profitable than being a sub-par (or even on-par) tight-agg., like most of the players there probably are...
DERB probably perfectly executes his crazy loose agg. style as loose and crazily as one possibly can, he's probably got a great card-reading ability,
and he probably has been running a little hot to boot...

...Considering the variance he must encounter combined with the sheer wackiness of his play makes his strategy
damn near impossible for the "normal" player to be able to duplicate.
Any of us "concerned with profit" and "making + EV decisions all the time" players
would be both unable and unwilling to execute the DERBy strategy at the tables...
what a lucky-dumb-genius this guy is! lol

It sounds to me like the "average" 30/60 player gets murdered by DERB.
Only the better players adjust and can make money off of him. (but I could be totally worng here...theorizing...just bite at anything you want!)

Isn't that what Gus Hansen has done to achieve so much success in the WPT?

If players know that you will play "any two" cards and they know you are capable of capping the Turn with nothing, they fear you...
They second guess themselves...
They get thrown off their game...

DERB probably makes a killing off all the more ABC tight aggs. that fail to adjust to him and just play "showdown poker" against him...
If you know who he is and adjust to him, you probably love him b/c he is just a pot-builder ATM machine for you! (who helps you
put that down payment on your used

Apologize if nothing I said was "revolutionary" - just my 2 cents...
feel free to flame away you greedy mid-high stakes b@st@r#s!
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