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Old 11-08-2005, 12:44 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: progress after 2 weeks... still a long way to go... help?


This is something that I feel would drastically improve my game if I could master a move like this with any 2, would you say that given the parameters of stack sizes like you mentioned, that it would be better to do this against a loose aggressive opponent or a tight aggressive opponent? Obviously against a weak tighty who has been playing very little and suddenly raises preflop probably isn't a good canidate, but would you rather them be fairly loose, or fairly tight in this situation?

I'd think the loose player would be more likely to call with a wider range (would he?) while a tighter player would have tighter raising requirements and would be more likely to have one of the hands you wouldn't want to see (right or wrong?)

Thanks for posting that little insight woodguy, I love hearing new stuff to help my game out.
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