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Old 11-08-2005, 09:26 AM
Argus Argus is offline
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Default Re: Giving Your Children Unique Last Names?

I went out with a girl for over a year, and we broke up over this (and maybe a couple other things). I wouldn't want any girl I married to take my last name, and that leaves a dilemma when naming children. I've always thought it made as much sense to give children a different last name as to change everyone's last name to match mine. I certainly wasn't planning on any sort of hippie bullshit names like moonbeam, but more likely a traditional family name.

Everyone who says this is stupid seems to just be having a knee-jerk reaction. Yes, it's a custom to do it a certain way, but I don't see much point to follow a custom unless it makes sense and has a purpose. Branding my wife and kids as my property doesn't seem particularly useful to me, so I'll just do my own thing (if I have kids).
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