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Old 11-08-2005, 08:59 AM
kipin kipin is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Northern, VA
Posts: 30
Default Re: First for me... what\'s proper etiquette?

When I was in Europe, asian tourists twice asked for a picture with me (they were both guys). The first one was a bit odd it was two business men taking pictures of each other in a park and I actually asked them if they wanted me to take a picture of them. They said no but said "Can we take a picture with you?". It kind of set me back but I agreed. The guy at first didn't know what to do but ended up putting his arm around my shoulder. A bit odd but its not like I'm ever going to see the people again.

At first I thought they must have been gay, but I think they just wanted to show their friends back home the big norwegian viking that they saw or something. (I am not Norwegian, nor a viking)

The second time was less exciting but I was walking with about 5 other people and these people singled me out and asked to take a picture. I had someone in the group I was walking with take a picture as well so here it is.
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