Thread: Free Will.
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Old 11-07-2005, 11:50 PM
jt1 jt1 is offline
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Default Re: Free Will.

How did learning this affect your decisions? Did you then look for ways in which your "map" of experiences would lead you in the wrong direction, or did you just say that there was nothing you could do about fatalism, determinism, sub humanism?

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I thought to myself, "well that's pretty amazing." I then probably went home. I have since continued to pursue my passions and resolve my conflicts in the most effective way that I am capable of. Animals don't have free will but they still scourge for food and depend on each other for protection. Say one of them knew that it was just an animal, would it stop living like one?

A good exercise is to take the Genisis story and try to trace Eve's actions from when she bites the fruit back to when she meets the Serpent. If all the actions/decisions/perceptions can be explained by the ones before them and the first decision to listen to the Serpent wasn't a decision but more like a natural force like "choosing" to be swept up by the tornado that tore through your house in the middle of the night then Eve truly (or metaphorically) had no choice but to eat the fruit. I've never thought of testing my theory out like that before but I think I will.
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