Thread: Free Will.
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Old 11-07-2005, 11:31 PM
DougShrapnel DougShrapnel is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 55
Default Re: Free Will.

I haven't believed in free will for about 8 years now. I was going through some hard times and used to take long walks to get away from my situation. On one of these walks, I came up with a theory that I later learned is similar to if not exactly like what Buddhists call the law of dependent origination. I don't know if I have the buddhists philosophy right but to to me it means that every action is based on the action/decision/perception that directly preceded it. And of course that action/decesion/perception was based on the one right before it. And you can go back all the way until the time when you or any individual was just a toddler.

To test this theory just pick a random decision you made recently and ask yourself why you chose that path instead of another. The answer will probably start with, i felt or i needed or i wanted. Then ask why did you feel or wanted or why you needed this or that. And do this until your head explodes.

I have not since heard any argument that explains away this phenomenon. I guess, I should write out the process in an actual example, but not right now....

[/ QUOTE ]How did learning this affect your decisions? Did you then look for ways in which your "map" of experiences would lead you in the wrong direction, or did you just say that there was nothing you could do about fatalism, determinism, sub humanism?
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