Thread: To Chez . . .
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Old 11-07-2005, 11:07 PM
J. Stew J. Stew is offline
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Posts: 191
Default To Chez . . .

Chez, you seem like you know yourself well, you said,

"behave in the way you believe is good."

I am trying to figure out how God and 'knowing of self' fit together. Morals, IMO, come from a knowing of yourself or who you are. If I think I'm something that I'm not, I'll go away from myself. This is like ego-inflating which to me is separate from my true/natural self. The self that lies behind the thinking self is what seems like true self to me and this non-thinking self is the self that knows or what 'believes is good' as you said. I was asking if you agree, or was asking to what you attribute this 'knowing' that knows what to do from moment to moment. Do you say that is God or do you say 'that's just what I believe' without attributing it to anything?

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