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Old 11-07-2005, 08:03 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Dr. Dom #2 - Gentlemen don\'t get laid


I stopped taking women out to expensive dinners on a first date. I stopped paying for girls at bars, at lunch, wherever - unless we were actually on a date. No more going to the cool cafe with the chick who used to bang my best friend and who I have a crush on, hanging out, listening to her bitch about her ex and the new guy she's sleeping with - and paying for her meal.

No more going out with any girl at any time unless it was abundantly clear that this is a date! And there was a distinct possibility of sexual activity at some point in the evening.

I made sure that a girl knew I was interested in her romantically, sexually, more than "buddies." There was no possibility of miscommunication in this matter.

And it was amazing how this turned my sex life - and my dating life - around.

And you know what, I'm still a Gentleman. I hold doors for women, I do treat them with respect - but no more or less than anyone else, regardless of gender. I'm not a complete [censored]. Only a little bit of one.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is golden. I like to take it a little farther and not even pay for anything unless she has done something for me. Here is my play at a bar if a chick asks me to buy her a drink (which will always be the case because I NEVER offer one).
Her: "Will you buy me a drink?"
Me: "I will if you french kiss me."
If she says no, then she gets no drink. If she suggests a kiss on the cheek, no drink. More often then not if the situation is assessed correctly before you ask, you'll get the kiss. Sure it fails sometimes, but hey wtf has she done for me to deserve my hard earned money? This move is by far the best move I learned for use at a bar. The last time I paid for something for a girl before even kissed her was freshman year of I'm a senior.
Another key item to have in your disposal is to abuse the fact that girls are jealous, very, very jealous. I first learned this from a pal in high school. I blew my chance at this chick by letting her walk all over me and was doind the typical "gentleman" stuff. My friend told me to start to fade back from her. Talk to her less and less often, and when you do talk to her talk about other women, this is key. She will notice she doesn't have you anymore to listen to her bitching, so she can either step up her game to get your attention, or just stop talking to you and both of those are outcome you want. Needless to say, in a short 3 days after I mentioned other women to this girl, we were banging like there was no tommorrow.
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