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Old 11-07-2005, 06:41 PM
RustedCorpse RustedCorpse is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: NYC
Posts: 74
Default Re: Why you should care that Americans still believe in God:

I don't want to live in a country that doesn't believe in god. Personally I'm 95% or so there is no god, but frankly I like the idea that the majority of people think there is a god. I mean honestly if the majority didn't think there was some sort of omnipotent being that could hold them accountable I think the social contract would collapse. Crime, murder and the like would be much much more widespread don't you think? If tomorrow everyone woke up and knew 100% there wasn't a god, I think you'd see a lot more underling’s murder bosses, random street arguments break out into full scale murders. I think that a belief system is what keeps a lot of things ticking, I can't imagine everyone stays civil just because of "police" consequences.
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