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Old 10-26-2003, 10:45 PM
Gildersneeze Gildersneeze is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 137
Default Re: Cold cards or do you just suck?

Just pay attention to your game, and remember, all games are not going to happen the same way.

Do you do well when it's a high stakes loose game but poorly when you play a really tight, low dollar game? Chances are you just haven't learned to adjust your play for when a game tightens or loosens.

Case in point, I play in a weekly Hold 'em game here in NC. There's one guy that everybody (except me) dreads coming over, because he's a complete fish and a calling station (you know, the kind of person you should LOVE to have over). I know that when he plays a pot, and that happens quite often, there's just about no way of knowing what he has. He'll raise a pair of Aces pre-flop just as often as 72o, and his bets (since we play spread limit) are completely random. You can't put him on a hand if he led out with $.50, because next time, he'll bet the same hand and make it $.85, or $.20 (lowest you can bet pre-flop and flop).

Everyone else can't deal with him. I can, because I know that I just have to wait for premium hands, and I'll win not only his money, but all the money they lost to him because they'd try to loosen up just like him, or get ticked off and call him down with marginal or even crap hands.

But still, check yourself too. Gotta pay attention to what hands you go in on. Once you're in a pot, do you play with the mentality of "man, I'm already this far into it, how could I possibly get away now?" Easy. Fold your cards if you think you're beat. Why spend more money on a beaten hand unless you're way up and can afford to pay it off just to see what someone else bets on?

Give it a whirl. If you do seem to keep getting cold cards, cash out and walk away. If you're playing with friends who moan, ask them what they'd do in your situation.
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