Thread: wow (nc
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Old 11-07-2005, 12:15 PM
bozlax bozlax is offline
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Default Re: wow (nc

I haven't played poker in forever because of this game, but lucky for me I have enough self control to only do one character. I could see this becoming a very big problem if I wanted to get my mage to 60 then have a warrior, rogue, and priest as well. My mage is it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Back in the day, when the earth was still cooling and online role-playing games were all text-based MUDs (let's call it 1994, and MUDs are still better in a lot of cases than the over-graphicked stuff you get, now) I made it to Wizard (world-builder, God, whatever you like). I once calcluated that I spent somewhere in the neighborhood of 7,000 hours over the course of 6 years either attaining Wizard-dom or pursuing the duties of Wizard before I gave up. I quit after I started having dreams about the game instead of dreams about having my birthday party at the Playboy Mansion.