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Old 11-07-2005, 11:34 AM
dibbs dibbs is offline
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: east coast
Posts: 39
Default Anyone interested in selling PTO database?

I just don't get this game the way I feel I should after about 20k hands, reading R&C, SS2, and posts on here, I'm a winning player but not by much and nowhere near where I feel I should be.

So I'm curious if anyone is interested in selling their database for the 25$ or 50$ level, I want to sift through and see what exactly it is a player with a solid winrate does in all kinds of spots and try and take another step towards patching up my leaks.

I have no idea what kind of response this might get as I don't know if people are interested greatly in protecting their play, but I figure I'd give it a shot.

Feel free to speak here or PM me, thanks.
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