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Old 11-07-2005, 11:32 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Recent History - U.S vs Iraq

The funny thing about this Randy fellow is that while he criticizes the Democrats, he openly admits to not having paid attention to the relevant times he's criticizing.

Quit being an ignorant prick, read a book and become literate before you say liberals want American soldiers dead. I was protesting the war before it began on the very grounds that people are criticizing it now. Every soldier or civilian that dies, everytime a US company overcharges the military, every new Al Qaeda recruit, and every single extra day, week, month, year we spend there is a gigantic fxcking "I told you so" to people like you that "weren't paying attention." That doesn't mean I'm happy about it.

YOU are unamerican, [censored].
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