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Old 11-07-2005, 02:13 AM
BassMasterK BassMasterK is offline
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Default Re: Dealer keeps showing people my cards

I have always handled it this way, and I have NEVER had someone ask a second time to see my mucked hand at showdown.

When the person requests to see my hand, I politely say to the dealer "before you show my cards, can you please call the floor". They call the floor over and I again, politely say to the floor "this person thinks I am cheating and I would like to know on what grounds they are making this accusation." The vast majority of players don't seem to know the origins of the rule and they get very defensive and embarassed and say "I never said you were cheating, I just want to see your cards" ect... so then I ask the floor "the rule is used to prevent cheating by collusion, is it not? So if he/she wants to see my cards it's because they think I am cheating, right?" and the floor says yes, and even though the person still has the right to see my hand, I would say 90% of them just say don't bother because now they feel uncomfortable about the whole situation. Most players looking for information don't want to be assosciated with accusing people of cheating.

It has worked for me and then you have one small tie up of the game for a minute rather than have bad feeling when you retaliate by calling it on them, or calling it on everyone and having the floor get involved more because people are abusing it.
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