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Old 11-07-2005, 01:28 AM
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Default Too Unlucky For Poker?

I know a lot of you will say I'm just being silly or stupid.... But I have concluded that I am just too unlucky for poker. My friends used to tell me that I'm just on a bad streak and it'll pass, bla bla bla. But I've known for quite some time that I'm the one poker player that the odds and percentages simply do not apply to. And to finally prove this to myself and everyone else I performed a little test.

I decided to write down every time I go all-in with the best hand. I mostly play SnG's on Full Tilt, so that's where I got all of my hands from. Just to make sure this is clear, I only wrote down the hands in which I was in the lead at the time I went all-in. Out of 200 hands in which I put all of my chips in the pot, and I was ahead at that time, I won only 40 hands.

Some of the people I play with on a regular basis have openly admitted to me that they will almost always call a big raise from me no matter what cards they have. The reason for this is because they know the stronger my hand is, the more money I'm likely to lose with it.

So is it time for me to give it up? Or is there a way to break this cycle? I guess I could just reverse my play and try to make sure I'm always all-in with the worst hand. Any advice?
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