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Old 11-06-2005, 11:12 PM
cardcounter0 cardcounter0 is offline
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Default Re: Recent History - U.S vs Iraq

Did they have an alternative plan?

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Did they want to buy more oil from Sadaam until he had moeny to buy more weapons?

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No. In fact, since they weren't buying any oil it would be hard to buy "more". Also remember it was the former Republican admin that sold him weapons.

Did they vote to faovr attacking Iraq so that if it worked out well they wouldn't be seen as soft national security?

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Probably the best explanation, that, and a bunch of lies from the administration.

What would be the total number of US soldiers dead if it was reported on the news everytime one if the terrorists was killed? ?

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Could you restate this in English, please? I don't think reports on the news kills anyone, but I really don't know what the hell you are saying.

Does the US media encourage the terrorists or do
only the Democrats in the US get joy from the US loss of life

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No on both questions. At least I think. Two totally unrelated questions joined with the word "or". The word "only" in there kind of confuses me. Are you saying that you get joy from US loss of life also?

Better wait for the kool-aid rush to subside, at least until you can form half-way reasonable thoughts.
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