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Old 11-06-2005, 08:32 AM
12AX7 12AX7 is offline
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Default Re: Playing for a living formulae

Been doing it my whole life, or even less. And heck I have a degree in Comp. Sci. and have worked an many Fort. 500's including IBM itself. Because I had to. Best I ever did was about 100K a year during the Y2K debacle when mainframe programmers were in short supply. Most years 50-60K as more typical recently.

6K/month nut means you have to earn soemthing in the six figures a year right?

Most folks don't earn six figures.

I'd say you're in the upper class and appear clueless about most folks lives.

No disrespect intended. Just waking ya up to reality for the majority.

And you know what. It f'cking sux. 20 years as a degreed professional in corp. USA and still having to consider money issues and wondering "when do I get to the upper class life I was aiming for?"

Far as I'm concerned Wall Street has screwed most of us... more severely since the '87 crash to be sure.

We ought to be revolting against it. But we're sheep. Or perhaps more correctly the fishies of the upper echelon. LOL!

Anyway, so when I read, Ed Miller saying folks make 200K playing poker, I have to wonder how stupid am I that I've read his stuff and struggle to break even.

Or those folks that talk about how awful life is as an online pro.

I say screw being a working class slave. If you are making high five or six figures at poker, count your blessings.

Anyway, I actually agree with you. Given home prices today, a 6K nut is realistic for a family man. A 6 figure income is almost mandatory these days to live decently. But the freaken job market doesn't support it in general. And most folks are trapped.

For several decades now a home has been a two-average-incomes proposition.

So they ship jobs overseas and are trying to make us compete dollar for dollar with labor costs in India... but are prices for the basics going to come down in line with that? Fat chance. (What's the probability of that all you math wizards?)

We ought to be holding our leaders feet to the fire on these issues.

But again. We are thier fishies.

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