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Old 11-06-2005, 03:56 AM
BluffTHIS! BluffTHIS! is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 375
Default Re: Why you should care that Americans still believe in God:

You are a philosophical and logical donk for talking about how religious belief is bad because it might make someone a republican when there are so many other issues that influence that. 10 years of democratic control of congress and subsequent higher taxes impinging on your young livin large poker lifestyle and you'll be voting straight ticket republican and won't care why others do as well. When I was your age I was in the military although I didn't have the honor of serving in combat, and there are young men your age fighting and dying for their country right now (maybe we shouldn't be in Iraq but we surely should in Afghanistan). You need to stop being so self-absorbed and quit trying to impress people with these types of posts and try to learn what the world is really about and what is important.
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