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Old 11-05-2005, 07:28 PM
excession excession is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 18
Default Re: stop berating the fish

LOL a troll after 470 posts? I think not.

This is serious point - what has happened is that folks who read all the poker books (written by pros) and the forums (populated by pros and wannabee pros) assume that everyone is playing the game to maximise their hourly win rate. They also inbibe the 'pro' culture thru those books which includes the cardinal sin of 'tapping on the fish tank' - a critical thing not to do in the old pre-internet days when there might be one fish sitting at your table and the nearest other game is 2 hours' drive away.

As Schoonmaker points out, the vast majority of folks are playing for lots of other reasons and most folks online at SSNL tables are not wired up with PT and 'fold equity' charts etc.. they just want a bit of fun and some action and are entitled to talk about what they want so long as it isn't a breach of TOS. If they want to whinge a bit when a fish hits a 2-outer then they are fully entitled to.

Now at high stake tables the old B&M ethos may still apply, but if you elect to swim amongst the small stake fishies then you can't complain if their chat is as loose as their play.
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