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Old 11-05-2005, 01:49 AM
Exsubmariner Exsubmariner is offline
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Posts: 71
Default Re: Why there will never be a rake war (longwinded)

I honestly don't get your reasoning here, sniper.

What Potty and UB did recently was NOT good for volume players. I got bit by both. What the hell are you going to do? Go pay rake at Poker Stars because they are so aloof that they have never involved themselves with networks or affiliates and therefore smell like roses?

Come on. It's obviously in the interests of sites to take as much from volume players as they possibly can. That's why they keep trying.

I think Greg is right. The long dreampt of rake war will never come. If anything it will get worse before it gets better and the only way it gets better is if (and its a big IF) online poker has another boom.

The only thing I see happening is there are fewer and fewer sites around squeezing as hard as they can. Please tell me more about your thinking.

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