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Old 11-04-2005, 11:16 PM
chiachu chiachu is offline
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Default Re: New Website (not spam) suggestions

as far as the sportsbook review, things that i personally would like to see:

1. how helpful is the support? mistakes/problems can happen, but i wanna know how much of a hassle i should be expecting when i sign up with a site.

2. cashouts. How long does a typical cashout take? do they process cashout on weekends? Do they usually ask you to fax in your driver license? other documents? again i want to know how much of a hassle the site might cause me.

3. security. i know this would be a very hard thing to talk about. But some sites (that a decent number of people seem to be using) dont even use a secure http connection when logging in or creating an account. Ive had other site email me my password in plain text after creating an account... thats just ridiculous.
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