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Old 11-04-2005, 08:26 PM
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Default Re: Is Nothing Possible?


Man also continually discovers explanations for, and eventually understands, things previously unexplainable and poorly understood. That's the fun part, the part which many so casually dismiss as the "unknowable workings of the mind of God" or some such.

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First, please read my reply to Trantor.

I accept and can understand the enjoyment of discovery. It’s the proverbial pot at the end of the rainbow. And every time that discovery is made I’ll congratulate whoever found it. However, I’ve yet to see the scientist who has the proof of whatever, that will cause me to change my belief in God.

I’ve known scientists and doctors who believe in God. They’ve made cases for the co-existence of the Theory of Creation and the Theory of Evolution. Personally, I agree with them and don’t think they are mutually exclusive.
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