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Old 11-04-2005, 04:13 PM
howzit howzit is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 99
Default Re: Which college should he choose?

We are from NY... Im not sure he's thinking very much about the cold weather in his decision process, maybe he should? Why do you say you would avoid the mid-west schools? (Mich. Wisc.)

I've put away some money for college.

[/ QUOTE ]

should've seen your username, "NYholdem"...
then weather shouldn't be a factor, especially if you live upstate!

Don't heed much interest in my negatives of Michigan/Wisconsin. It's just a personal taste. I prefer living in the cities on the coasts above the mid-west.

There are great schools in the South, UVA and Duke like you've mentioned and visiting schools is a great idea if he hasn't heard much of these schools.

Picking a place based on its general location on the map along w/its academic strong points was the way i went about it. (I wanted to go to the east coast and didn't consider the South which I should've done along w/Pac-10 schools.)

as for the $, you probably know this:

east coast private school ~$30k/yr.

UM in state: $~5k
UM out of state: $15k

unfortunately, the private schools never get cheaper.
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