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Old 11-04-2005, 02:32 PM
DDH DDH is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 18
Default Re: Frustrated gambler advice

Just putting more emphasis on what has been said about moving up limits. Becuse of my bankroll, I started out at the 5s, played those till I had anouogh money to play the 10s, and played those till I know have a large enough bankroll to play the 20s.

Yes, the play in the five is very loose and carefree, but use them to work on making good poker decisions. Yes, I'd get sucked out, yes, I got beat with hands that people have no reason playing, but as long as I was making the right decisions I felt I was okay. And I learned more and more through playing how to make those decisions. Then I moved up to the 10s, the play was a little more sane, and I was a little better player then when I started the 5s, the same was true for when I started the 20s. I learned more about poker and how I wanted to play and my style in the 10s and when I had the bankroll to move up to the 20s, I was a better player then when I started the 10s. And now, in the 20s, I'm still learning. Things that I may have been able to do in the 10s won't work as well, so I have to learn new things.

Read the books, read the threads listed here, and most importantly, don't expect to happen quickly. I've been playing for about 15 months now, and while I'm a better player now then I was, I still knwo that I'm nothing great. I'm not a bad player, but I hesitate to label myself as anything better then "above average." But I'm learning, and I know I'm getting better. That's the most important hting for me.
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