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Old 11-04-2005, 09:43 AM
Boolean Boolean is offline
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Posts: 26
Default Re: Ultimate spreading Royal Holdem, but only limit

Sigh, I guess I'm going to spoil the beans on how to really play this game. Pretty much, my starting hands consist of AA, KK, AK, KQ, and QQ. That's it. Suitedness has no effect as royals are so rare. It's of course a 20-card deck so your outs are like so:

After the flop:
1/15 = 1:14
2/15 = 1:7
3/15 = 1:4
4/15 = 1:2.75
5/15 = 1:2

After the turn:
1/14 = 1:13
2/14 = 6:1
3/14 = 3.7:1
4/14 = 2:5:1

Flopping a straight is an automuck in a full-table game. You are at best tied by the river. Bottom set is also pretty dangerous. Case in point:

You have JJ
flop shows KQJ
You lose to KQ and QQ (albeit unlikely) if a Q or a K comes, and even if you aren't behind them, an AK or KQ can also pick up an Ace or King on the river. Your best shot here is to have runner-runner Tens. The only hands that would beat you then are the other pocket pairs KK and QQ.

Middle set can be quite profitable if you know how to play it however. Case in point:

You have QQ, the flop shows KQT
If the board pairs the ten, you likely have the best hand unless you're up against KK. It's a very good way of getting a decent pot, and I play QQ for just this reason. If the K pairs however, you're losing to KT, KQ, and KJ and AK if they improve on the river.

Top set and top two pair is what you should shoot for. With top two pair you have 4 outs twice (provided there are no royal draws and you don't run into quads), or (4/15)+(4/14)=55% which means you're a favorite from the flop. Bet/raise/cap. Top set, likewise. Unless you run into quads or the board shows a straight, you will win.

Anywho, I know this is formatted pretty ugly, but I hope ya'll enjoy anyhow.

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