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Old 11-04-2005, 09:26 AM
TheWorstPlayer TheWorstPlayer is offline
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Default Re: finding potentially good tables (lc)

Why do you say low content? I think this is incredibly high content. One of the biggest parts of being a winning poker player is having good table selection. In any case, I first look for buddy listed players. Having one or two of these guys in my games makes a HUGE difference. If no one is on then I open up the games with the biggest average pot size and I put myself on the waiting list (these games always have waiting lists). Then I pop up the player stats for the tables and when I get my turn to sit, if there is one player with VPIP over 50 or two players with VPIP over 40 I will sit. Unless there is a good LAG directly behind me, in which case I might take a pass because that situation is just such a pain that it is not worth it unless the table is VERY good.
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