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Old 11-04-2005, 09:22 AM
Jeffage Jeffage is offline
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Default Re: People\'s extreme misconceptions about professional poker playing

While poker players don't think it's unethical to take money from "sick gambler," many in the general public think it's morally wrong to take someone's last dollar. Of course, I have no problem with it. My parents once asked me if I felt I was hustling people at the poker table when I beat them, and I told them no...b/c when they are sitting down they are trying to take all my money, so we have the same goal. If they beat me, they won't feel bad so neither will I.

As for number two, it's not highly dangerous, but if you play high stakes regularly, you will bump into unsavory people. This means protecting yourself by getting a safe depo box/setting up accounts, not telling people much about yourself, not putting yourself in position to be robbed/followed home, etc. Of course, most of this is common sense and isn't much of a worry for online players.

Number Three...many people share the idea that no gambling can be beat in the long run simply because of ignorance. But the fact is, even the vast majority of poker players will wind up behind in the end and many that get seriously involved go broke. So their concerns aren't totally parents said stuff like this to me all the time when they started, and after awhile I stopped trying to correct them. They were looking out for me and meant well. This type of talk stops when you've proven yourself successful for awhile.

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