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Old 11-04-2005, 08:35 AM
Cactus Jack Cactus Jack is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 11
Default Re: Put an end to all results oriented thinking

Mike Matros, in the latest issue of Card Player, has a column on game theory. In it he states and I'm paraphrasing, "Poker strategists think how to best play this hand. Game theorists think how to best play poker."

While the nuts and bolts are beyond my ability, the idea got me thinking. As long as I'm playing the best poker I can play, I am not going to worry about the results of any individual hand, session, week or month. I'm just going to play as well as I can play. Sort of like the saying of the guys in the 101st Airborne--Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out.

I'm not a "lucky" person. Never have been. Woody Allen says, "85% of success is just showing up." What he doesn't say is what the last 15% is. I believe it's luck, and that's something over which we have no control, as frustrating as that is. Poker really is like life. The lucky tend to be successful more than the unlucky. Showing up is the only thing you really have any control over.

Zen is great. So is maturity. After a while, you learn to accept things as they are and not battle what we wish they could could be, or what they should be. Live in the moment, and you'll be okay, long term.

That's my dos centavos.

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