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Old 11-03-2005, 04:56 PM
MrWookie47 MrWookie47 is offline
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Default Re: 88 playing against no overcards

You're more than welcome to argue with me. Just because my name is green doesn't mean I can never post incorrect advice. However, here's another thing to consider. What turn cards are we waiting for? What cards will you raise? Even a deuce could be a danger. With hands played from the blinds, their hand ranges are incredibly large. We don't know necessarily that an A is doom or than a 2 is safe. All we really know is that the bettor almost certainly doesn't have two overcards. He likely has a pair, and he might have a straight draw of some sort, and he might have an overcard. What we do know is that we very likely have the best hand now, and we have an equity edge. Raising, in addition to being for value, will make the hand easier to play. If we get c/r'd on the turn, we can almost certainly fold. I like raising and betting (not raising, mind you) until someone says I should stop.
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