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Old 11-03-2005, 03:44 PM
swede123 swede123 is offline
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Default Re: Random Thought re: \"Collateral\"(Spoilers)

I think it's a SIG Sauer he uses. Anyway, at the point you are talking about he's running pretty late. It's pretty obvious there is no concern about making the killings look like something other than murder so he's not worried about that. Also, Vincent doesn't know there are cops at the club until he gets there and the shooting starts. At that time he's assuming some body guards and a bunch of clubbers, which he obviously can handle w/o a sweat.

As far as Jake's comment, I agree that this is a bit of a plot hole, 'cause it's not like most people would honestly believe that Foxx's character would go on some random murder spree and then kill himself.

Finally, I agree that the ending is a bit sell-outish. I wish Vincent wouldn't have died in a shootout, it's giving Foxx's character way too much credit.

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