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Old 11-03-2005, 01:23 PM
Lestat Lestat is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 383
Default Re: Another DVD Burner Question

you will have to *obtain* a DVD decoder. The thing with DVD decoders is that they are not free, it sounds like you purchased an OEM drive, as retiail drives typically come with software.

All I can say is that you will have to find a DVD playing program, and it should work find after that. I know there are ways to get this without paying for it if you know where to look.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't know. I bought it from NewEgg. It seems to me that it should've came with whatever it needs to work. Software, drivers, etc. Whatever..

If I have to pay for something else to get it to work I will. I just need to know where to get it. Where do I go to get this?

MindMindisGoing's mind must be going. I thought he was really knowledgable and cool for helping me out last week, but then he all of a sudden flaked out and got upset. He provided a link that's foreign and doesn't seem to work (at least I don't know how to work it).

Hey guys, sorry if my ignorance about computers is frustrating to some of you. But that's why I came to the Computer Technical HELP forum. To get help!

If I'm answering questions about a poker hand in the mid-limit forum and a guy's still got questions, I don't freak out on him and abandon him in the middle of things.
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