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Old 11-03-2005, 11:57 AM
Rduke55 Rduke55 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 15
Default Re: Weightlifting Advice

The steroids part he should definately wait for 2-3 years of solid training before even thinking about. The part of the post i was most impressed with was the training and dietary advice.

Heavy weight, plenty of protein and compound movements are best. Keep mixing things up too.

IN regards to steroids i would never recommend steroids to anyone, except for someone who has nearly reached their genetic potential, although thats not to say steroids cant be done safely and effectively, but it is a waste for a noob to juice up as he will grow naturally w/out gear.

He will also find that when he starts juicing that his gains when off cycle will be alot less than if he hadnt juiced.

In regards to frequency, its hard to say. Im in australia and it is certainly alot less common than in the US, its also looked upon VERY poorly, and u would never admit to using them. They are also very illegal, highly faked, and not easy to get a hold of w/out being in the right circles.

U only want to use underground stuff that has been made by someone who has imported the powders from china etc as 99% of vet gear and so called prescription gear will be faked. U run the risk of injecting dirty or unsterile gear, though, when using underground stuff as its made in some dudes kitchen usually and sometimes not even filtered.

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You should have your PT license revoked.

I don't know if it's because I haven't had enough coffee yet today but this thread is scary.
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