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Old 11-03-2005, 06:58 AM
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Default No more Pokershare for Americans

The reason that they are closing ONLY North American accounts is because of the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States of America. Poker Share is proposing to give each player some shares of the company named "PokerShare.Com" and each player would share in the profits of this company named "PokerShare.Com". The problem with this is that the United States Government, with its Securities and Exchange Commission, and the other countries that make up the continent of North America (Canada, Mexico, Greenland, Bermuda and the French islands of St-Pierre et Miquelon) have certain standards that a company or corporation must meet if these companies and corporations want to sell or give away shares of their corporate stock. I'm convinced that PokerShare.Com does not meet these strict standards and therefore must not give away or sell shares of PokerShare.Com's corporate stock to residents of North America and particularly residents of the United States of Amercia. There are many people in American prisons today that have tried to do the same thing that PokerShare.Com is trying to do. PokerShare.Com may succeed with their proposal in other countries but they'll never do it in the United States of Amercia.
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