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Old 11-03-2005, 01:14 AM
Dynasty Dynasty is offline
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Default Re: Wrestling Angles that worked

I think Hulkamania was kind of like Moneymaker's win in the WSOP. It didn't really matter who won it, that person was going to get a lot of credit for creating the "boom".

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First, I was putting them in chronological order. I didn't try to rank them.

But, you're definitely wrong. Hogan was absolutely necessary. McMahon's expansion of the WWF out of the northeast was underway for more than a year before Hogan was signed. In a sense, McMahon gave then-WWF champion Bob Backlund a chance to be the guy (though I'm sure McMahon never expected Backlud to have any mainstream appeal).

McMahon has tried to create other superstats in Hogan's mold and failed. The Ultimate Warrior and Lex Lugar couldn't carry the WWF the way Hogan did.
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