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Old 11-03-2005, 01:09 AM
natedogg natedogg is offline
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Default The best energy policy ever

I'm nauseated by the "if kerry.." thread. Many posters enthusiastically calling for massive government funding and appropriation for an "appollo program of alternative energy".

Of course this would be a complete disaster and anyone who knows anything about how our government works and how economies work should know this (no, the real Appollo program is not a good example because it was not competing with private enterprise moon missions. Government can be adequate with endeavors that have no free market incentive, such as useless ego-boosting moon-missions ).

We have the best possible energy policy going RIGHT NOW! It's called high oil prices.

Mucking around with the oil economy is the height of folly. Don't get me wrong, it's already seriously mucked around with, I understand that. But the answer to a problem created by governemtn is not "more government".

We have the best possible energy policy going. High oil prices have spurred private research and investment to record highs. Only a moron could think that was a coincidence and only a naive fool could possibly think that a small group of elite purse-holder is capable of directing that capital and human energy more effectively.

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