Thread: Is this a leak?
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Old 11-02-2005, 07:27 PM
rikz rikz is offline
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Default Re: Is this a leak?

I've only played a little 6-max, but I noticed that people tend to call continuation bets much more frequently at 6-max then full ring. If that's true, then if you raise 67s from CO with 5 limpers in NL 100 full ring, you might get 2 callers, and on a K93r flop, both will usually fold to a continuation bet from you as the LP preflop raiser. At 6-max, I was seeing KQ or KTs calling the preflop raise out of position, then calling the continuation bet, or even bet into me with it. If my observations are generally true, then it would seem to make your "leak" of trying to overlimp into multi-way pots with suited connectors in LP a much better plan than trying to raise preflop, narrow the field, and then take it down with a continuation bet on any flop. I even saw Ax call cb's with just ace high, then check it down to the river (if I let him from LP) only to have his A-high beat my unimproved 76s (that I had raised from the button and dutifully continuation bet on a missed flop).

So, based on my limited experience, I think you plan is good, and I'll start doing that myself at 6-max.

Full ring, however, I like raising because people tend to fold more to cb's when I miss the flop.
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