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Old 11-02-2005, 06:40 PM
Trantor Trantor is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 12
Default Re: My peace offering to Catholics (in UK)

Surely he's guilty of fomenting sedition now under your current laws. After HM signs the warrant, his head on a spike on the tower will serve as a warning to others who would be so bold.

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To say one would join a future plot may or not be illegal at the moment (ie I don't know as I am not a lawyer). It is because there are these grey areas that the UK government wants to make "glorifying terrorism" a criminal offence. So it is not the offer to join a future plot that will become illegal, In was referring him to glorifying the 400 year old terrorist plot. Crazy as it seems it will be illegal (as I understand it ) to glorify a 400 year old event but maybe not to offer one services for a future plot!

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You are right, although it is unlikely charges would be brought, that is why I find these laws so repulsive.


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Don't believe it. A guy shouted "rubbish" at the labour conference in the uk the other month. He was bundled out and arrested iunder the recent anti-terrorist legislation. If the law is there and the police want to get you they will use whatever law is available.

And the new ones will be used...they must have in mind who they want to use the laws against...muslim clerics for one.
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