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Old 11-02-2005, 06:07 PM
whiskeytown whiskeytown is offline
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Default cool post from a guy who voted in Denver to Legalize Weed.

I gotta admit - I sorta liked this post - it was in the discussion boards over at -


I'm one of the 53% who voted for a small measure of sanity here in Denver.
Pot being illegal has kept it out of the hands of scientists for almost a hundred years.
A hundred years has seen massive advancements in things we are allowd to study.
Imagine the industrial, ag, medical, food, textile, ect... advancements we'd have discovered if it wasn't for this insane war on a plant.
All for the cause that they want to stop people from smokeing it.
I got news for the lawmakers. Anyone who wants to smoke it, still smokes it. Always will.
I've personally known HUNDREDS of smokers in my 36 years, from all walks of life and can assure you that, unless caught by authorities, it has not harmed their lives. On the contrary in fact.

In my adult life this society has managed to make Tommy Chong a FELON for the awful crime of selling bongs. Meanwhile, Mike Jackson has not seen a day in jail! That is EPICLY embarrasing and misguided. They are just high profile examples of the monumental problem with our lawmakers prioritys.

(I think there will be a particularly terrible place in hell for the people who keep ill people from a practicly free medicine.)

Wake up America. Vote to see that our authoritys stay busy going after people who are hurting other people.

In all of recorded history pot has caused ZERO deaths due to overdose.
How many died from booze... yesterday? Cigs? Perscription drugs? Overeating? Caffine? These things are legal.

Pot has led me to harder things... like school.
Put that in you pipe and smoke it.

/Daily smoker for 20+years.
//Self made millionare
///Traveled to over 40 countries
////In my lifetime I've got my Piolts licence. Real estate licence. EMT licence. Master scuba diver. Glassblower. Boxing instructor. (enough tooting my own horn)
/////Currantly reads 2 or 3 books a week.
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